Flocculation and Clarification

   The Flocculation tank mixes coagulants and protozoa bacteria with the water thoroughly. This is a picture of a flocculation engine mixing the water completely:

After this the water will enter the Clarification tank. Here the half processed water is given a rest. The water will stay in this tank and let the bacteria eat the sludge and fall. The heavy floc will also drop to the bottom. This suspended mass at the bottom is called a Sludge Blanket. Sludge Bleeding controls the the thickness of the
sludge blanket. This here is a picture of of a clarification tank: (Cool isn't it?)

Okay so we what happens to the water, but what about the bleeded sludge?
    Well, the bleeded sludge is then sent to softened and incinerated. This is the  machine they use:
After the sludge is incinerated, it can be used as land fill or fertilization.

    Now, as the water proceeds, adjustments are going to be made.

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       PH Adjustment, Disinfection, And Softening

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