Waste Water Treatment

This page will give you in-depth and accurate information of the processes involved with waste water treatment. I will also provide you with links to other students on this topic as well as other water issues. I give permission to use all pictures and text but only for education purposes. Links of companies that provide useful resources and sell various  products (Water filters and stuff) will be given as soon as possible. I will also try to update my site with current problems in Waterford, CT. I hope you enjoy my site.

Well, hello!

My name is Sunil. I am 14 and go to the Waterford High School in CT. I hope you enjoy and learn from my site. Thanks for visiting!!!


        To get  started you have to know the basics. If you think you know this then just skip this part. You should know that toilet use is the largest household use in the United States. The water going down the toilet isn't very clean. It has many bacteria and fecal coliform. It also can pollute the water it enters very badly. You wouldn't want to have a river or lake that looks so beautiful to turn into something full of algae and sludge (fecies). In order to prevent such environments, we put our waste through a process of different cleaning processes. The town of water Waterford, CT gives its water first and secondary treatment. Basically, Waterford, CT removes 95% of the solids in their water. And now, this is were the journey through the process begins...


  Screening and Aeration
 Flocculation and Clarification
 PH Adjustment, Disinfection, and Softening

Other Links:

Hill Murray
Sewage-What is it?
Water Environment Federation
Water Usage

Email me at:           Sunil's email

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